Below are the positions we will be voting on with descriptions following.
- Chief Executive Officer of the Local
- Calls and presides over all meetings of the Local
- Calls and presides overall meetings of the Local's Executive Board
- Appoints all committees of the Local, subject to approval of the Executive Board if Executive Board approval is required
by Local Constitution and By-Laws
- At his/her discretion, is a member of all committees of the Local
- Supervises and assists other Local officers and stewards in the performance oft heir duties
- Assigns duties to other officers, stewards, or members as necessary to carry out the work off the Local
- Has the responsibility and authority to act for and commit the Local, in the best interest of the Local, in matters requiring
immediate attention
- He/she, or his/her designee, is the sole spokesperson for the Local
- Has the responsibility to be aware of all matters involving the Local
- Assumes the duties and responsibilities oft he President in the absence off he President
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President
- Is a member of the Local Executive Board
- Keeps a true and accurate record of all Local business, including all meetings of the Local Executive Board and regular
and special membership meetings
- Posts notices of all regular and special membership meetings
- Notifies Executive Board members of meetings of the Executive Board
- Is the custodian of all non-financial records of the Local
- Handles all correspondence of the Local, unless the President directs correspondence to be otherwise handled
- Presents the minutes of the prior meeting at all regular and special membership meetings and at all meetings of the Local
Executive Board
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President
- Is a member of the Local Executive Board
- Is responsible for all financial matters of the Local
- Is the custodians of all financial records of the Local
- Presents a financial report at all regular and special membership meetings and at all meetings of the Local Executive
- Is a member of the Local Executive Board
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President
The fith position on the executive board, "Head Shop Steward" will be appointed by the executive board after the elections.
A stewards responsibility is one of the most important positions within our union. This person(s) responsibilities include
Educator/Communicator Role:
- Explain to members what the union is (and what it is not)
- Answer questions about internal union policies and procedures
- Talk to members about what the union is working on. Know how you want them to become involved
- Listen to what members are saying (about negotiations, union programs, etc)
- Educate members about COPE and sign them up
- Talk to the union representative and officers about what's going on in the workplace
- Inform and update members on issues and problems
Grievance Handler Role:
- Enforce the contract
- Answer members' questions about the contract, management's work rules, etc.
- Defend members' rights and protect good working conditions
- Refer members to other sources for help when problem is not a grievance
- Keep good records (yours and the ones in the union office)
- Make recommendations on new language and contract changes for bargaining